Monday, October 29, 2012


As of right now, when I should be doing this RBAA or reading assignments for other classes that I am now behind on, I am playing a random, live game on my PS3. It is super exciting because the internet here is really fast and this game was so slow on my internet at home. I should totally be doing homework, but I think I deserve a break. All I do is homework. I think this day is telling me to relax and take it easy. That is why I am sick too, I'm sure of it.

It is a Monday in October, a few days before Halloween, my favorite holiday...and I feel like such a slacker. But I don't care. I know that I will struggle when the time comes for these due dates, but right now I just don't care. I'll work on everything on Thursday and Friday. But maybe I should work on some English since that is due Wednesday, on Halloween day.

I am so lost with this RBAA. Everything that I wanted to say and explain to whoever read it, can't really be said in the way that I want to say it, and I am struggling HARD. I need to find some sources and do some research, but I just can't find the motivation. I have work tomorrow. Sometimes I wish I just never had a job.  Sometimes I wish that I would have taken a year off before I went to college, but we all know how that story ends for other people....

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Is it just...?

Is it just me or:

Does sleeping for too long in the night make it harder to stay awake during the day? The less sleep the easier it is to stay awake...

Are the winter winds worse than the hot weather?

When I know I left the house door unlocked, am I the only person who screams throughout their house just to make the possible freaks seem more scared than they had planned on making me?

Am I the only person who doesn't use text lingo in text messages?

Am I the only person who still buys CDs?

Am I the only person who doesn't have their ears pierced?

Am I the only girl who doesn't know close to anything about fashion, hair, or makeup?

Does anyone else not drink around here?

Saturday, October 6, 2012


This is a rant about reading.

Don't get me wrong, I love reading....just not readings for class that we will end up talking about in lecture anyway. But I feel like I need to read the assignments or I will miss out on SOMETHING. I just hate how some professors assign short chapters along a 2 week period, but when it comes to the long chapter they only give us 2 class periods before we have to have that chapter done. This is how I'm feeling for Anthropology and Film Appreciation. It's funny, actually. At the beginning of the semester I thought American History was going to be the class that I was going to have a hard time keeping up with reading the chapters, but noooooo. The history book is written in away where it's easy for me to read it, plus it interests me. It's probably because the book is novelistic-looking and the other two books are in text book form and are just straight up hard to read. So frustrating!

I wish I could just read for fun again. I know I would have time if I stayed up an extra hour before I go to sleep, but by then I have given up and just want to sleep my life away. Then I  have to wake up and start all over again. I haven't had any time for books, movies, or video games. The only thing that I really have time for (and even then, that's pushing it) is catching up on some of my favorite television shows using Hulu and Netflix.

I just don't want college and work to be my life throughout this "free and independent" part of life. That's all.