Monday, October 29, 2012


As of right now, when I should be doing this RBAA or reading assignments for other classes that I am now behind on, I am playing a random, live game on my PS3. It is super exciting because the internet here is really fast and this game was so slow on my internet at home. I should totally be doing homework, but I think I deserve a break. All I do is homework. I think this day is telling me to relax and take it easy. That is why I am sick too, I'm sure of it.

It is a Monday in October, a few days before Halloween, my favorite holiday...and I feel like such a slacker. But I don't care. I know that I will struggle when the time comes for these due dates, but right now I just don't care. I'll work on everything on Thursday and Friday. But maybe I should work on some English since that is due Wednesday, on Halloween day.

I am so lost with this RBAA. Everything that I wanted to say and explain to whoever read it, can't really be said in the way that I want to say it, and I am struggling HARD. I need to find some sources and do some research, but I just can't find the motivation. I have work tomorrow. Sometimes I wish I just never had a job.  Sometimes I wish that I would have taken a year off before I went to college, but we all know how that story ends for other people....

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