Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ice Cream.

I scream for ice cream! Ice cream is the best invention next to indoor plumbing. If I were stranded on a deserted island and could choose only one food to eat for the rest of my staying, I would choose ice cream (only if it was kept cool in a freezer, of course, because melted ice cream is just not the same).

I also love spaghetti! But it has to have angel hair noodles instead of the thick regular spaghetti noodles. Those are no good.

Foods that I hate include raw onions (I can somewhat handle the sauteed ones, like the ones in chili, spaghetti sauce, and even the kind in salsa). I also do not like the white pieces of lettuce. It's weird, I know, but it makes me gag and almost throw up when I get a super white piece. Just the bitter taste. I'm weird, I know.

Which brings me to my next topic...taste. I have a great sense of smell and taste. That would make sense since taste and smell are connected. I can smell better than most people, quicker than most people. On the other hand, I have horrible sight. I used to be able to squint without glasses and see the board in class during high school, but I think glasses and contacts have made my eyesight even worse because I am blind as a bat without glasses on or contacts in anymore. Even squinting does not help anymore. Sense of touch and hearing is normal though.

So there are some facts and favorites about me. 

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